王菀之 -《The Missing Something》交響詩
首個以交響樂編寫的詩 - 於維也納現場錄音Symphonic Poem - recorded live in Vienna The Missing Something 我不肯定咖啡要配什麼︰冰島﹑那個鋼琴,還是你的畫像"I'm not sure what to go with coffee -...
檢視完整細節首個以交響樂編寫的詩 - 於維也納現場錄音
Symphonic Poem - recorded live in Vienna
"I'm not sure what to go with coffee - Oceland, that piano, or a portrait of you"
王菀之的首張管弦樂專輯《The Missing Something》-「我不肯定咖啡要配甚麼:冰島、那個鋼琴,還是你的畫像」,是夢想成真的紀錄,並於維也納與當地管弦樂手現場收錄而成。 延續她過去三年的藝術項目”The Missing Something” - 這次Ivana 編寫了五首交響詩,帶領聽眾共同遊歷這段如詩般的音樂旅程,以壯闊的交響樂和細膩優雅的旋律,牽引著聽眾探索內心深處的缺失與渴望。
《The Missing Something》不僅是一段音樂的旅程,更是一種心靈的共鳴,期待與你們一同感受這位作曲家以及藝術家的多樣才華和獨特視角。
“I’m not sure what to go with coffee - Iceland, that piano, or a portrait of you”
Symphonic poem recorded live in Vienna
1. 尋找失落的靈魂碎片 In serarch of missing pieces of the soul 5'13"
2. 從真切的夢境迷糊醒來 Vaguely awakened from vivid dreams 14'55"
3. 雪人輕柔地發光︰高貴地,朦朧地漸漸融化 Alight, the Snowman glows; Nobly and hazily it melts 7'18"
4. 快樂而傷感的安息已被遺忘 A joyous but forgotten sad repose 3'26"
5. 碎 Shattered (English) 5'45"
All Music by Ivana Wong
首個以交響樂編寫的詩 - 於維也納現場錄音Symphonic Poem - recorded live in Vienna The Missing Something 我不肯定咖啡要配什麼︰冰島﹑那個鋼琴,還是你的畫像"I'm not sure what to go with coffee -...
檢視完整細節首個以交響樂編寫的詩 - 於維也納現場錄音Symphonic Poem - recorded live in Vienna The Missing Something 我不肯定咖啡要配什麼︰冰島﹑那個鋼琴,還是你的畫像"I'm not sure what to go with coffee -...
檢視完整細節首個以交響樂編寫的詩 - 於維也納現場錄音Symphonic Poem - recorded live in Vienna The Missing Something 我不肯定咖啡要配什麼︰冰島﹑那個鋼琴,還是你的畫像"I'm not sure what to go with coffee -...
檢視完整細節首個以交響樂編寫的詩 - 於維也納現場錄音Symphonic Poem - recorded live in Vienna The Missing Something 我不肯定咖啡要配什麼︰冰島﹑那個鋼琴,還是你的畫像"I'm not sure what to go with coffee -...